Via del Cimitero

San Vito d'Altivole


coordinates: 45.7510376,11.9132938
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Building names(s): Brion Cemetery / Tomba Monumentale Brion / Brion-Vega Cemetery
Architect/Designer: Carlo Scarpa
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Completion date: 1972

completion date: 1972

function(s): cemetery

photographs: Tavi P
getting there: directions from Jonathan Choe 1) Take the Regionale Train towards Bassona del Grappa (4.10 Euros each way) Stop: Castelfranco Veneto 2) Walk through the historic castle from the Castelfranco Veneto train stop to the non-attached bus stop (see map below) 3) Take the Autolinea n4 Bus towards Cavaso del Tomba (3 Euros each way Stop: San Vito di Altivole. 4) Short walk from the bus stop to the Cemetery. Follow the brown historical landmark signs.