Rafael Viñoly (born 1944) is an Uruguayan architect living in the United States. awards: Design Honor, Salvadori Center, 2007 International Fellow, The Royal Institute of British Architects, 2006 National Design Award Finalist, Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, 2004 Honorary Doctorate, University of Maryland, 1997 Medal of Honor, American Institute of Architects, New York City Chapter, 1995 National Academician, The National Academy, 1994 Rafael Vinoly's list of recommended/significant architecture (post 1980):
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Location: Colchester, United Kingdom
Architect/Designers: Rafael Vinoly
Tokyo International Forum

Tokyo International Forum

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (13 vote, 72.31% worth checking out)
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Architect/Designer: Rafael Vinoly