
Atlantic Pavilion

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (3 vote, 20.00% worth checking out)
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Architect/Designers: Regino Cruz + Skidmore, Owings & Merrill


1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 vote, 100.00% worth checking out)
Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Architect/Designers: Neutelings Riedijk
Freyberg Pool

Freyberg Pool

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (2 vote, 70.00% worth checking out)
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Architect/Designer: King & Dawson

American Center Paris

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (7 vote, 88.57% worth checking out)
Location: Paris, France
Architect/Designers: Frank Gehry
Customs House library

Customs House library

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 vote, 60.00% worth checking out)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Architect/Designer: Lacoste + Stevenson

Kalyan minaret

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (be the first to vote by clicking on the stars)
Location: Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Architect/Designers: Bako

Po-i Kalan

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 vote, 80.00% worth checking out)
Location: Bukhara, Uzbekistan

The Ark

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 vote, 20.00% worth checking out)
Location: Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Povoacao Municipal Pools

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (be the first to vote by clicking on the stars)
Location: Povoação, Portugal
Architect/Designers: Barbosa & Guimaraes

New Zealand Supreme Court refurbishment

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 vote, 20.00% worth checking out)
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Architect/Designers: Warren and Mahoney
Boa Nova Tea House

Boa Nova Tea House

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (7 vote, 82.86% worth checking out)
Location: Porto, Portugal
Architect/Designer: Alvaro Siza
Saffire Lodge

Saffire Lodge

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (be the first to vote by clicking on the stars)
Location: Tasmania, Australia
Architect/Designer: Circa
Brion Cemetery

Brion Cemetery

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (5 vote, 72.00% worth checking out)
Location: San Vito d'Altivole, Italy
Architect/Designer: Carlo Scarpa

Sao Bento metro

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (3 vote, 60.00% worth checking out)
Location: Porto, Portugal
Architect/Designers: Alvaro Siza

Danish Embassy Berlin

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 vote, 100.00% worth checking out)
Location: Berlin, Germany
Architect/Designers: 3XN