Hoto Futo Restuarant
(2 vote, 70.00% worth checking out)
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2458,Higashikoiji ,Aza,
Funatu ,Fujikawaguchiko-machi,
Yamanashi 4010301
coordinates: 35.5010986,138.7667542
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Building names(s): Hoto Futo Restuarant
Architect/Designer: Takeshi Hosaka
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Completion date: December 2009
function(s): restaurant
address in Japanese: 山梨県南都留郡富士河口湖町船津2458 structure RC Site 2493.82 m2 Building area 733.98 m2 Floor area ratio 726.30 m2 Building height 7460 mm No. of floors 1F Building function A local traditional food restaurant
updated on: 15 May 2012 | suggested on: 14 February 2010 |
Suggested By LT