255 Panoramic Way

California 94704

coordinates: 37.8690300,-122.2473602
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Building names(s): John Weston Havens Residence
Architect/Designer: Harwell Hamilton Harris
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Man Ray

Completion date: 1941

function(s): dormitory, multi-dwelling, residential

guided tours: BY PRE-BOOKING ONLY. Guided tours are held the third Sunday of every month at 10 am. The house is located in the hills above the University of California, Berkeley campus. To take a tour, you must reserve a space in advance. Send an email to visit@havenshouse.org with your first and second choice tour dates and the number of people you will be bringing with you. We will confirm your reservation, and then you can pay by either sending money online through PayPal (not yet available), with a check in the mail, or in person on the day of the tour. Please do not send money until your reservation is confirmed. admission cost: $20 for adults, $15 for students. Limit is 12 people per tour. website: www.havenshouse.org