31 Rue St-Guillaume


coordinates: 48.8538132,2.3282540
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Building names(s): Maison de Verre / Maison Dalsace
Architect/Designer: Pierre Chareau + Bernard Bijvoet, Louis Dalbet
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6-maison de verre 1

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Completion date: 1932

function(s): residential

tour/visiting: To visit, you must be in the field of architecture or a related field. You must also reserve in advance by calling (country code +33) or emailing mdv31@orange.fr. Be sure to state the purpose of your tour. The tours only occur on Thursdays and a maximum of ten people are allowed per visit. admission cost: 40 euros per person, 20 euros for students and professors of architecture. getting there: 31, rue Saint-Guillaume , 7th Arrondisement Metro: M4 to Saint-Sulpice or St. Germain-des-Prés, M10/M12 to Sevres-Babylone, M12 to Rue du Bac