Amager Strandvej 13


coordinates: 55.6653633,12.6338806
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Building names(s): maritime youth house
Architect/Designer: PLOT
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Photograph from designboom.com

Completion date:

function(s): civic, community centre, public space

Getting there: From the central station; Københavns Hovedbanegård Take bus 2A – direction: Kastrup Lufthavn. Change bus at Bulgariensgade to bus 77 – direction: Sundbyvester Plads. Get off at Sundby Sejlforening. Walk 2 min to the Maritime Youth House. Take metro to Lergravsparken Station - direction: Lergravsparken Station. Change to bus 77 - direction: Sundbyvester Plads. Get off at Sundby Sejlforening, walk 2 min to the Maritime Youth House.