Munich Olympic Stadium

Olympiapark München
Spiridon-Louis-ring 21
coordinates: 48.1730995,11.5453434
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Building names(s): Munich Olympic Stadium
Architect/Designer: Günther Behnisch + Frei Otto (engineer)
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Completion date: 1972
function(s): sports, stadium
original capacity: 80,000 admission cost: 2 Euro getting there: Public transport: U-Bahn line U3 to Olympiazentrum, about 10 min. Then walk towards the stadium. Tram line 20 and 21, stop at Olympiapark West. Tram line 27 stop at Petuelring. Tram line 12 stop at Infanteriestraße (Tollwoodgelände). Bus 173 stop at Olympiazentrum and Olympia-Eissportstadion. Bus 52 stop at Infanteriestraße (Tollwoodgelände).
updated on: 15 May 2012 | suggested on: 13 January 2010 |
Suggested By LT