Venner Straße 69

D - 49565 Bramsche-Kalkriese

coordinates: 52.4062691,8.1296043
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Building names(s): Museum and Park Kalkriese
Architect/Designer: Gigon & Guyer
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Completion date: 2002

function(s): museum

website: www.kalkriese-varusschlacht.de opening hours: varies according to season and exhibition (check website for details) Open daily 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturdays 9:00 - 8:00 pm. Guided tours (permanent exhibition) take place daily at 3:00 pm. costs:Euro 9 : varies according to season and exhibition (check website for details) getting there: Take a train to Osnabrück central station and continue by bus. (bus timetable available from website)