10640 John Jay Hopkins Drive

La Jolla

coordinates: 32.8943901,-117.2405930
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Building names(s): Neurosciences Institute La Jolla
Architect/Designer: Tod Williams & Billie Tsien
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Ken Mccown

Completion date: 1995

website: www.nsi.edu awards: The American Institute of Architects (AIA) National Honor Award. Edwin F. Guth Memorial Award of Excellence for Interior Lighting Design from the Illuminating Engineers Society of North America San Diego AIA Energy Efficiency Integration Award Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute awarded its Design Award Grand Orchid Award for outstanding design visting hours: by appointment getting there: # Take Interstate 5 to the Genesee Avenue Exit. # Go West (toward the ocean) up the hill. At the second traffic light, take a right onto John Jay Hopkins Drive. # Turn left at the second available opportunity (directly opposite General Atomics Court), proceed about 50 feet and then bear right and park in our very small (only three spaces) Visitor Parking area. # Then walk North through the central plaza to the three story building (Theory Center) where the receptionist will be there to greet you.