13 avenue du Président-Wilson


coordinates: 48.8645020,2.2962284
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Building names(s): Palais de Tokyo refurbishment
Architect/Designer: Lacaton & Vassal
architect website: www.lacatonvassal.com
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Roi Boshi

Completion date: 2002

function(s): contemporary art, gallery, museum

museum website: www.palaisdetokyo.com admission cost: €5.00 opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday noon - midnight closed Monday NOTE: Due to current renovations - The Palais de Tokyo will be closing at 9pm until 2012. getting there: Metro/Bus : Métro: Alma-Marceau or Iéna NOTE: The Palis de Tokyo is currently under a second stage of renovations also by Lacaton & Vassal, and is due to be complete in 2012.