between Bibliothèque nationale de France
and parc de Bercy


coordinates: 48.8352737,2.3781753
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Building names(s): Passerelle Simone-de-Beauvoir / passerelle Bercy-Tolbiac
Architect/Designer: Dietmar Feichtinger
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Ed Hawco

Completion date: 2006

function(s): bridge

structure: Lenticular (lens shaped) structure with rotational anchorages in the supports Total length: 304 metres (997 ft) Width: 12 metres (39 ft) getting there: Paris Metro : Quai de la Gare spans the Seine between Bibliothèque François-Mitterrand (new Bibliothèque nationale de France), on the Rive Gauche (left bank), and directly into the parc de Bercy on the Rive Droite (right bank).