Perot Museum of Nature and Science

Brett Chisum
2201 N. Field Street
Texas 75201-1704
coordinates: 32.7868576,-96.8065033
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Building names(s): Perot Museum of Nature and Science
Architect/Designer: Morphosis
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Brett Chisum
Completion date: 2012
museum website: opening hours: Monday-Saturday: 10am-5pm Sunday: noon-5pm (last exhibits entry at 3:30pm) Thursday late nights: extended hours from 10am-9pm the first Thursday of each month Late-night film screenings: first Friday and Saturday of each month starting in February 2013; The Hoglund Foundation Theater open until 9:30pm; last film begins at 8:30pm admission cost: $15
updated on: 16 January 2013 | suggested on: 17 January 2013 |
Suggested By LT