Scottish Parliament House
(1 vote, 60.00% worth checking out)
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Royal Mile
United Kingdom
coordinates: 55.9521370,-3.1750467
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Building names(s): Scottish Parliament House / Holyrood
Architect/Designer: Enric Miralles
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Completion date: 2004
Getting there: bus: Visitors can use the Lothian Buses service numbers 35 (nearest stop Canongate) and 36 (nearest stop Horse Wynd) website: opening hours: closed Sundays Monday - Saturdays: 10:00am - 5:30pm but the times varies depending on if parliament is sitting (check website for details) admission cost: free TIP: you can book tickets for the guided tours, debating chamber or Committee Meeting in advance online.
updated on: 7 August 2012 | suggested on: 21 February 2011 |
Suggested By LT