silodam 1

1013 AL

coordinates: 52.3924484,4.8905039
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Building names(s): Silodam
Architect/Designer: MVRDV
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Felicity Gill

Completion date: 2002

website: http://www.silodam.org/ getting there: Tram 3, stop at Planciusstraat / Zoutkeetsgracht, cross the bridge, go right, into the Barentszstraat. Go to the end of the street, and then go left, onto the Barentszplein. At the trafficlights, walk straight on, towards the Silodam. Bus 48 from Central Station to stop Westerdoksdijk / Van Diemenstraat. costs: For more info about excursions in the Silodam (Costs: 3 Euro p.p.) or to make an appointment, please mail to: excursie at silodam.org. Requests should be made 2 weeks prior to the requested excursion date .