1635 Woods Drive

Los Angeles


coordinates: 34.1004944,-118.3702240
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Building names(s): Stahl House / Case Study House #22
Architect/Designer: Pierre Koenig
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Completion date: 1960

completion date: 1960

function(s): residential

check out: Precariously cantilevered over a steep edge in the Hollywood Hills, with glass walls and a pool with a dramatic view, this iconic house represented the epitome of modern life in the USA. website: www.stahlhouse.com opening hours: varies depending on the day - check website for hours - booking is essential admission cost: $60.00 Total for 1 person / 1 car $35.00 Each for 2 or more persons / 1 car Area: 2600 Sq. Ft. + 1500 SF C.P. & Covered Area