Yusuhara Wooden Bridge Museum
(2 vote, 70.00% worth checking out)
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3799-3 Tarougawa
Takaoka-gun, Kochi Pref
coordinates: 33.3883362,132.9450531
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Building names(s): Yusuhara Wooden Bridge Museum / 雲の上のギャラリー
Architect/Designer: Kengo Kuma
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Completion date: 2010
function(s): museum
address in Japanese: 高知県高岡郡梼原町太郎川3799-3 gallery website: yusuhara-s.com (Japanese) admission cost: ¥1050 opening hours: 10am-4pm daily site area: 14 736m2 building area: 574m2 structure: wooden, partly steel frame, reinforced concrete
updated on: 12 December 2011 | suggested on: 23 September 2011 |
Suggested By LT